Who This Is For

📌 For those struggling with stress incontinence varying from the ‘uncomfortably urgent need’ to the ‘too late, it’s leaked’ variety.

📌 For those whose movement life revolves around bladder/bowel requirements.

📌 For those whose repaired hernias require repeat surgical interventions.

🔎 If this is you and you have yet to explore through the lens of your pelvic floor WITH your abdominal and diaphragm muscles, this short course shows you how to reconnect the muscle sequencing of your innately-integrated design, delivering the strength inherent within it.

‼️The following body of work has been created to offer help to those who would like to explore for themselves and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. If in doubt, please approach your doctor.

  • Practical tutorials via online video

  • 9 chapters
    70 minutes

  • Certificate of Completion

Chapter Contents

  • 1

    Stress Incontinence, An Alternative Approach: Opening up on the subject

    • Let’s talk frankly about this common but rarely discussed problem

  • 2

    Exploration 1: Establishing what’s moving & when, to better understand why progress might seem blocked/limited

    • Getting to know your internal ‘Tin Can’ & finding ‘markers’ to map your progress

  • 3

    Exploration 2: The ‘rewiring’ process in the lying position that offers you clearest feedback

    • Starting the muscle-sequencing process in supine and prone positions

  • 4

    Exploration 3: Reorganisation continues in two frequently adopted positions

    • Continuing the muscle-sequencing ‘re-wiring’ in two seated positions

  • 5

    Exploration 4: Graduating to Upright!

    • Consolidating the muscle-sequencing of your ‘Tin Can’ in the upright position

  • 6

    Exploration 5: Discovering how all the good work can be unwittingly undone when feet want to hug the midline

    • Using Doris’s visuals to help us understand the effects of walking and running ‘along a tightrope’ on the function of your ‘Tin Can’

  • 7

    Exploration 6: Gaining instant advantages whilst committing to long term solutions!

    • ‘Before & After’ progressions in walking and running, using simple thought processes to ‘cue’ better movement

  • 8

    Exploration 7: Supporting better whole body movement through application of appropriate ‘non-negotiables’ from the Troubleshooting Checklist course

    • A final look at more coordinated movement, resulting from a few more hours of integrating ‘left & right’ inputs

  • 9

    Exploration 8: Adding the ‘legs’ of your ‘Tin Can’ and Wrapping Up

    • Adding the last element of the ‘Tin Can’ and having a quick chat about the whole process

  • After completing the PFM Pilot Stress Incontinence course, you will have the tools to:

    Explore whether your pelvic floor operates in sync within the integrated unit it’s a part of. You will know:

    why isolating and strengthening your pelvic floor may not have produced the desired results,

    how to organise productive movement of this integrated unit,

    and how to make steady progress without strain.

  • Course Requirements & Benefits

    All you require is a willingness to explore movement in ways that perhaps won’t be familiar.

    Solutions can be simple and powerful when they tap into how we’re made.

  • Further Exploration

    PFM PILOT is unique in the movement industry in objectively showing changes in real time, demonstrating the interconnectivity inherent in our incredible bodies.

    For MUCH more analysis of our moving human body, using objective data from the most advanced motion technology in the world (Doris), please explore the rest of the PFM PILOT courses, here on Thinkific.

    Let’s explore and find better, together.